Vaccination Information Check System at Airports

VICSA Release

Technical Update


    Produced by GVE & CMIC
    Background Technologies
    Introduction of Prototpye VICSA System
    Future Vision

    Produced by GVE & CMIC

    GVE Ltd.


    Even when we are struck by another pandemic, we will not let the global human interaction and economy cease again.


    We propose a simple and friendly system that verifies travelers’ vaccination records with only the passport which they bring to the airport.
    Our goal is to create a world where, even when another pandemic strikes, people can go see the people they want to see and go where they want to go without using cumbersome smartphone apps and complicated preparation and uploading of forms.


    As a preliminary step, participating countries store their citizens’ vaccination records and passport numbers on GVE’s highly reliable servers. The entry policy related to vaccination is also stored in advance.

    NOTE: The GVE servers that maintain vaccination records and passport numbers can be located within each participating countries, eliminating the need to transfar sensitive information out of the participating country. 

    The VICSA client retrieves the vaccination records based on the passport number and uses it to determine whether the entry requirements of the destination country are met.

    Travelers need to only present his/her passport to VICSA to complete the vaccine-based entry check required by the destination country.

    NOTE: The country names in the chart below are fictional and are not actually adopted yet.

    Background Technologies

    The technical elements required for VICSA are:

    1. Advanced storage technology capable of storing sensitive information within the countries participating in VICSA.
    2. Technology to accurately obtain passport numbers and call the API.

    Element 1. above will be realized by GVE’s Distributed encrypted storage technology and Authority control technology.

    Element 2. above will be realized by CMIC’s passport reading technology, which is currently being used for vaccination management at airports in Japan and has a proven track record.

    (1) Background Technology of GVE
    GVE utilizes a security module developed for CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) to store immunization records. This security module allows for the secure transport and storage of electronic keys.

    (2) Background Technology of CMIC
    CMIC’s technology has been adopted by the Japanese government and is currently being used to manage information and issue vaccination certificates for COVID-19 vaccinations for Japanese nationals living overseas when they return to Japan at Haneda and Narita International Airports.

    Vaccination program at airports conducted by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    CMIC’s system is used to read passports, manage vaccine information, and issue vaccination certificates.

    Japanese government vaccination certificates issued through CMIC’s system, which has issued certificates to more than 30,000 Japanese nationals living overseas.

    Introduction of Prototpye VICSA System

    Future Vision

    VICSA clients obtain travelers’ vaccination records and vaccine requirements of destination countries from VICSA’s server through the API. In the future, we would like to offer licenses to incorporate the API invocation function of this client within existing systems that use the passport reading function set up at airports in various countries, so that additional functions can be added without the need for additional terminals.


    We are currently submitting VICSA for WHO standards application.

    At the same time, we are looking for countries interested in demonstrating travel management for future pandemics using VICSA.